- Strapi
- Sveltekit
- Sqoosh API
- Social Media Concept
The KreativWerkstatt is a workshop for people with disabilities (WfbM) of Lebenshilfe Süd-Thuringia. In collaboration with them, I created a photo gallery for their unique and beautiful clay and wood products so that a tablet can be displayed in the entrance area. This allows customers and visitors to view older products as well, to possibly get inspired for their own orders.
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- Social Media Management
- Movie Prod.
Due to my collaboration with KreativWerkstatt and the concept for social media, the labeling team approached me and tasked me with creating a promotional film for them and managing their social media presence. Additionally, I was responsible for revamping their in-house website and optimizing it for SEO.
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- Javascript
- Tailwind
- Svelte
- Laravel
XIVDATA is a project I joined last year, which will be a massive database and tool collection for the successful MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV" once it is completed. It is a hobby and side project with big ambitions and therefore might take some time to complete.
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- Shopify
- Liquid
- React
- Javascript
Marcel Reukauf, the owner of Landkautz, approached me at the end of 2022 and asked if I could create a new design for his emerging online shop. It was a Shopify store, which I had no prior experience with. In addition to the new design, I also made some systemic adjustments to the purchasing and ordering process.
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